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    News bites – February 2019

    King Tut’s Tomb

    After almost a decade of intense restoration, King Tutankhamun’s burial chamber has been restored and reopened to the public.

    Originally discovered in 1922, the tomb has become one of the most famous tourist attractions today, with thousands of tourists flocking to see the young king and his burial site. But the impact of all those tourists, whose breath has exposed the tomb to carbon monoxide and moisture, and whose touch has worn away the interior, that created the need to carry out restoration work.

    Now, in a remarkable effort to preserve the tomb and protect it from further damage, it has been equipped with an air filtration and ventilation system, new barriers and viewing platforms, lighting modifications, and the wall paintings have been restored.

    The tomb houses some of the original artifacts from its 1922 discovery: King Tut’s mummy is now on display, with visitors even having viewing access to his quartzite sarcophagus.

    There are loads of questions surrounding the death of 19-year-old Tutankhamun: some even believe he may have been murdered. After a visit to his newly-opened tomb, maybe you’ll know the answer to this mystery.

    Image courtesy of the J.Paul Getty Trust

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