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    Six Tips For Travelling With Teenagers

    Six Tips For Travelling With Teenagers

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    As your kids leave their tweens and enter their teens, travelling together may require a different approach in order for the entire family to stay sane while travelling.

    Our personal travel managers have put together a list of helpful tips to ensure your teenagers are as excited about your next holiday as you are.

    1. Involve them in the planning process

    Although some teenagers may respond with the iconic “whatever”, it’s important to give them the reins in some way. Discuss the destination with them or have them choose the activities for a day. This not only teaches teenagers about compromise, but also the more involved they are, the more enthusiastic and engaged they’ll be.

    1. Choose accommodation wisely

    If your budget allows, try to give your teenager some privacy when holidaying together. This may mean more than one tent, or separate hotel rooms.

    1. Let them pack their own bags

    Giving your teenager the opportunity to pack his or her own bags is a great way to teach accountability and help them feel more independent. So long as the weight restriction isn’t exceeded, understanding how to pack efficiently, and carrying around what you’ve packed, is a great learning experience.

    1. Fuel their adrenalin

    When planning your holiday, aim to include some activities that will release some of their energy and fuel their adrenaline. Depending on their age, jet boating, scuba diving or zip lining are all great ways for the whole family to experience something new, while involving the teens in something they can brag about to their friends.

    1. Accept the smart phone, but take action to avoid ‘roaming’ fees

    It can be frustrating always seeing your teenager looking down at a screen, particularly when there’s something more exciting going on in real life. However, if asking them to leave their electronics at home doesn’t work, you can compromise on periods of time when screen time is acceptable. For gamers, work with them to come up with times like these that suit everyone. As well as this, be sure to turn off all roaming and international services, only connect to trusted hotel Wi-Fi networks or even purchase a local SIM card. After all, they’ll never ditch the digital world entirely.

    1. Take time to relax

    Sleeping in seems to be a prerequisite of becoming a teenager. If possible, avoid activities really early in the morning, and let them have a little sleep in every now and then. Depending on their age and where you’re visiting, letting your teen stay back in the hotel while you explore lets them (and you) have a bit ‘me time’.

    If you would like to find out more about travelling with teenagers, get in touch with your personal travel manager or find one near you.


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