About me

For most of my life I have traveled. Whether it be in Australia or abroad, it has always been my favorite passion. I have been to most parts of the world and have a continual hunger to explore more destinations in the future. The reason I am a Travel Manager Specialist is simple. I live it, I breathe it everyday.If I am not travelling, I am using my vast experience in all facets of travel to assist others in achieving their ultimate journey to places that they have only dreamed about. Yes, I am passionate, I am dedicated to the travel industry and the customers who I serve. The personal service and experience I offer will long be remembered as just part of the highlights of your holiday and travel destination today and for many years to come.

Where I've Travelled

The world is a big place and there are some beautiful spots both here in Australia and abroad. In my many journeys however there are some special places that definately repeat trips. Number 1 is Santorini, part of the Greek Islands, breathtaking to say the least. One of my all time favourites and regular destinations closer to home is Fiji.Always a winner all year round.

Services I Provide

One of the key factors of having me as your Personal Travel Manager is that I have no affiliation with any particular travel or tour company,so this enables me to provide you with best possible experience at the best negotiated price on your behalf. I have no set hours, so I am there to serve you at a convenient time that suits you. I can come to you, so this eliminates the need to drive or park that may take away the experience your looking for. More important, we form a personal relationship that gives you comfort in knowing that all your travel expectations are being managed professionally.

Comprehensive and transparent financial protection for Australian travellers.

Comprehensive and transparent financial protection for Australian travellers.
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Based in Wilton, NSW

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Peace of Mind Peace of mind