Service Fees – Robbie Barrett – TravelManagers

As with all other professions, the travel industry has moved to a service fee environment.

The fees outlined below are a guideline only and may vary according to situations and circumstances.

These fees do not include GST, any supplier amendment charges or deposit conditions.


Service Service Fee per person
International Air booking $90 –  $150
International Air changes before ticket is issued nil
International Air changes after ticket is issued $50 – $80
Domestic Air booking $35 – $55
Domestic tickets in other countries $45 – $50
Domestic Air changes before ticket is issued nil
Domestic Air changes after ticket is issued $35 – $55
Trans Tasman Air Booking $60 – $80
Refund Processing $30 – $50
Booking Cancellation Commission & booking fees charged are non refundable.
Frequent Flyer Award Redemptions International $150 – $200 per person
Frequent Flyer Award Redemptions Domestic $60- $100
Visa Processing fee $40 – $50
Overseas originating travel $150 – $200
Itinerary planner –  redeemable on final payment  $150 – $250
Amendment fees $50 -$100 per change

Please contact me if you have any questions regarding the above. Thank you.

Robbie Barrett – 0428 748 469

Your personal travel manager