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Advertised prices are per person, correct at time of publication and are subject to availability and change and can be withdrawn or amended at any time without notification due to fluctuations in charges, taxes and currency. Offer is valid on new bookings only. ^Adelaide price is based on 7 nights flying on Fiji Airways direct flights departing Monday and Thursday each week. #Canberra price is based on Fiji Airways direct flights departing Sunday and returning Friday or departing Tuesday and returning Sunday each week. Other departures are available for 7 night stays, enquire for a price. *Cairns price is based on Fiji Airways direct flights departing Thursday and returning Tuesday or departing Saturday and returning Thursday each week. Other departures are available for 7 night stays, enquire for a price. Direct flights from Cairns start from 10 April 2025. Other conditions apply. Please view the TravelManagers general terms and conditions here and contact your personal travel manager for more details.