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    How to take great photos on your smartphone

    How to take great photos on your smartphone

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    Those of us old enough to have experienced the highs and lows of taking photos with actual film may recall, with wistful nostalgia, what it was like in the “old days”.

    You never really knew what you’d managed to capture and often it was weeks or even months until a) the film was completed and ready to develop, and b) you reached a place where it was possible, practical and economical to develop it. Then there was the period of sharpened anticipation, when you collected the envelope of processed photos, which you opened at the first possible moment.

    These days, the ubiquity of high quality camera phones means that much of that drama and pathos have been removed. With a little practice and a few helpful tips, you can wow your friends, family, and even yourself with your spontaneous shots.

    1.  Composition

    The classic rule of thirds still apply to composition. When lining up your shot, the points of interest should be placed on the gridlines and their intersections. Adjust your settings to show gridlines on your screen.

    2.  Negative space

    Let negative space enhance your shot. All that open sky/water/field can be used to form a striking backdrop for your subject. Getting up high or down low can change the entire feel of your shot. Consider a different vantage point, use reflections and leading lines such as train tracks or staircases to draw the eye, but don’t do anything silly or put yourself (or others) in danger just for the sake of capturing an image.

    3.  Light

    Light is still a major consideration in the capture of a great shot. Some smartphone cameras allow you to mess around with shutter speeds, but sometimes just turning your flash on or off will make all the difference. Smart use of natural light or from other light sources such as illuminated signs can bring interesting results. Don’t use your flash excessively, as often it just makes your subject appear strangely lit and/or hued, plus there’s a high potential for “red eyes”.

    4.  Editing

    Save your editing for later. Instagram is a fun tool, but for truly great photos, forget the fancy filters and instead download your images to a photo editing app. You’ll achieve much clearer, sharper results by simply taking the shot and cropping to your desired composition later.

    5.  Focal point

    Try changing the focal point of your image. Many smartphones allow you to refocus simply by touching an object in the foreground or background.

    6.  Clean your lens!

    Chances are you don’t treat your phone with quite the same TCL as an actual camera. More often than not you’ll find a fingerprint on your lens which is easily wiped clean with cloth and will ensure a sharp shot.

    7.  Print

    And finally, print some of your favourites. Social media is great for sharing, but your photos can be easily forgotten, even by you. Put them in an album or create a photobook to be re-enjoyed again and again.

    For more suggestions and tips on capturing the best moments of your holiday adventures including inspiration on where to go, contact your local personal travel manager.


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