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    What to expect on a 6 hour journey into space

    What to expect on a 6 hour journey into space

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    Astronauts refer to the impact of seeing Planet Earth from space as a paradigm shift that forever changes their outlook. And now, that view is possible without the ten-plus years of training.

    Introducing Space Perspective, the world’s first luxury spaceflight experience company. This is not your usual day trip. Over six unforgettable hours, you will ascend to the edge of space and join the lucky few – only about 600 – who have looked down at our home from above.

    The SpaceBalloon™

    Space Perspective’s advanced SpaceBalloon™ is designed to operate in space where Spaceship Neptune flies. The size of a football stadium, the SpaceBalloon™ gently flies the capsule for ascent and decent, and uses proven technology that NASA and government agencies around the world have used for decades. In fact, the first person to see the curvature of earth did so from beneath a SpaceBalloon™ like Spaceship Neptune’s.

    The Reserve Descent System

    A backup parachute between the SpaceBalloon™ and capsule can safely descend and land Spaceship Neptune’s capsule. The parachute is partially pre-opened so it can quickly and seamlessly take over from the primary flight system, the SpaceBalloon™, at any time during the flight. The well-tested system has been repeatedly flown by NASA and others for re-entering capsules from orbit.

    The Capsule

    Space Perspective – Capsule

    The pressurised, roomy capsule allows Space Explorers to experience the majesty of gliding through space. The capsule is also spacious enough for Explorers to comfortably get up and move around, soak in the changing views, and even grab a drink at the bar!

    Naturally, the capsule has a fully-equipped restroom with an unbeatable view. From the Space Lounge, Explorers will have astonishing, 360-degree visibility through the largest windows ever flown to space. The high-speed Wi-Fi connection will allow you to bring your family and friends back on Earth along for the ride.

    A bespoke experience

    Your experience is highly customisable—if you can dream it, the team is ready and waiting to work with you to make it a reality. From the menu and cocktails on board, to the soundtrack and lighting, your individual preferences may be incorporated into your flight. For Explorers who reserve a full capsule, the modular design of the space lounge can accommodate changes to seating configurations and incorporate additional hospitality features, like tables for a unique dining service.

    Your Journey

    Space Perspective – 6-hour journey

    On site before lift-off

    Your pre-flight immersion begins at Kennedy Space Center where you’ll meet the Space Perspective team for a walkthrough of the facilities. You’ll then have time to relax into your surroundings, book an exclusive, behind-the-scenes tour of the Kennedy Space Center, get to know the Space Perspective team, or simply enjoy time with your friends, family, and fellow Explorers and prepare yourself for the life-changing experience that awaits.


    Buoyed by SpaceBalloon™—large enough when fully inflated to comfortably house the Statue of Liberty—Neptune will climb slowly and smoothly, giving Explorers time to take in the sights during the ascent. Your pilot will provide fascinating insights and answers to any questions you might have about the journey throughout.


    Neptune’s ascent peaks above 99% of the Earth’s atmosphere at the edge of space. You’ll have two hours to view the curve of the Earth, the total blackness of space, and the thin blue line of our atmosphere—the quintessential astronaut experience. Whatever the occasion for your voyage—insatiable curiosity, a wedding, a family adventure—these moments in space will become indelible memories.

    Gradual Descent

    After the sun has risen, Neptune will begin its descent. This process takes another two hours, leading up to a gentle ocean splashdown. The capsule is quickly lifted out of the sea and placed on the ship’s deck, where Explorers will disembark and celebrate their return while en route back to the launch site for debriefing.

    Mission accomplished

    As one phase of your journey concludes, another begins. You now share a lifetime bond not just with other members of your crew and the Space Perspective community, but with every individual who has experienced space travel.

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    You will rise, floating to the edge of space… until all you feel is wonder. If you are keen to know more or make an enquiry about taking part in this unique travel experience, please visit this page and contact your local personal travel manager.


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